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        Advantages of solar power generation systems
        Release time:2022.10.05    Sources of news:Jiuquan Green Energy Technology Equipment Co., Ltd   Times of browsing:

         Solar power generation system is a power generation system that uses solar cell array to directly convert solar Radiant energy into electric energy. It consists of solar cell arrays, controllers, DC/AC inverters, and ancillary facilities for photovoltaic power generation systems. Below, the editor will briefly talk about the advantages of Hefei's solar power generation system.

        1. Solar energy is inexhaustible. The solar Radiant energy received on the earth's surface can meet 10000 times the energy demand. As long as a solar photovoltaic system is installed on 4% of the desert, the electricity generated can meet the needs. Solar power generation is safe and reliable, and will not be impacted by the Energy crisis or unstable fuel market;

        2. Solar energy is everywhere and can be supplied locally without the need for long-distance transmission, avoiding the loss of long-distance transmission lines;

        3. Solar energy does not require fuel and has low operating costs;

        4. Solar power generation has no moving parts, is not easy to use or damage, and is easy to maintain, making it particularly suitable for use in unmanned situations;

        5. Solar power generation does not generate any waste, has no pollution, noise or other public hazards, and has no adverse effects on the environment, making it an ideal clean energy source;

        6. The solar power generation system has a short construction cycle, is convenient and flexible, and can add or reduce the capacity of the solar array according to the increase or decrease of load, avoiding waste.

        The above is the content organized by the editor about the advantages of solar power generation systems. I hope it can help everyone. If you need solar power generation systems or have any other information, you can also directly contact us~~

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